Managed Aquifer Recharge
45 years of experience modeling and designing Managed Aquifer Recharge projects
Full-service support for conjunctive use projects that augment groundwater basin supplies
Planning, protecting and managing the beneficial use of groundwater resources is no small task. We leverage our long experience to provide full-service support for conjunctive use projects to augment groundwater basin supplies, making sure to meet the operational and regulatory needs of the project.
Basin-wide models for predicting impact of pumping and augmentation projects
Thorough understanding of the groundwater basin is the starting point of any meaningful management. We are experts in complex groundwater basin modeling to enable municipal, utility, and agency clients to augment their water supply to meet current and future needs through Managed Aquifer Recharge
Support planning, permitting and implementation of Managed Aquifer Recharge projects
You need strategic and technical support throughout your project life cycle. Geoscience delivers starting with groundwater modeling, to facilitate design and permitting activities, and all the way through operational startup support and tracer testing.