Water Management Agencies

Resource management with certainty of outcome

    Geoscience has been providing accurate, reliable and legally defendable support to Water Management Agencies for over four decades. We provide consistent results, meeting operational, planning, and permitting requirements for managing groundwater basins.

    We get the science right, helping manage volume and quality of stored groundwater as well as volume and quality of groundwater that can be produced over the short and long term.

    manage Your Basin

    Full-service groundwater basin management support

    Let us help you to best manage groundwater stored in basins, and be SGMA compliant. For more than 40 years, we have developed tools to predict how volume and quality of groundwater will be impacted from groundwater production, movement of contaminant plumes, water augmentation projects, and climatic changes.

    Best Standard Practices

    Modeling tools for impact of groundwater pumping and future water augmentation projects

    Need better insight into volume and quality of groundwater that can be produced? Geoscience provides full-service groundwater model development and support. Starting with initial model development, through calibration, updates, and forecasting of all aspects of groundwater basin operation, we’ve got you covered!

    City of San Bernardino seal

    Sustainable groundwater management act support

    Robust SGMA Support

    Geoscience supports the SGMA process, from developing Groundwater Sustainability Plans and managing stakeholder involvement, to developing and supporting groundwater management actions in basins. We are behind GSPs for some of the most challenging and contentious groundwater basins in California…