Wellfield Management

Maximize groundwater production at the lowest operating cost

Visible operations

Systems to collect, visualize and analyze

Over the last 40 years, we have developed unique insights in collecting and analyzing data from groundwater wellfields. Combined with reliable sensors to collect information and custom software, this allows monitoring of your ground water system in real time. Issues can be pinpointed and corrected early.

Save on capital

Gain clarity in groundwater system operation

Gain clarity in performance, groundwater system operating cost, and streamlined reporting.

Current and historical visualization of well production and ground water elevations allows capital improvement in areas with the best ROI, based on data and analysis. Active management of the wellfield based on real time data helps maximize production, while minimizing energy use. The software also enables regulatory as well as internal reporting.

Digital twin pumping well allows forecasting of well operation

Rather than experimenting in the field, a digital twin well system is used for forecasting production volumes under different water levels and pumping parameters. Performance of the entire system can be optimized for production and energy usage